Do I Need a Dental Implant?

Missing teeth impact how your smile looks and operates. Without all of your teeth, daily tasks, like eating and talking, can be more difficult and more embarrassing.

That’s why replacing lost teeth is so important. It can help you restore the appearance and function of your smile.

But there are several options for tooth replacement. So, is a dental implant right for you?

If you’re wondering “should I get a dental implant?” then this guide is for you. Read to learn about the uses of dental implants and which situations they’re best for.

A Happy Couple After Dental Implants Treatment

When Can a Dental Implant in Oakville Help?

Do you need a dental implant? Here are a few of the top reasons to consider a dental implant:

  • Fill in gaps left from missing teeth with a durable dental implant
  • Replace a badly damaged, broken, or cracked tooth that’s beyond repair
  • End your struggle with loose dentures or partials
  • Stimulate the jawbone to preserve your existing facial structure
  • Improve the look of your smile with a natural-looking restoration

Benefits of a Dental Implant

Why choose a dental implant over other restorations like a bridge or dentures? Here are some of the top benefits:

  • They’re secured to your jawbone, ensuring a stable and secure option
  • They look and function like natural teeth
  • They’re incredibly durable, lasting many years before requiring replacement
  • Combine them with other solutions, like dentures, to fortify them. Implant-supported dentures can replace your entire smile!

Dental Implants in Oakville

If you’re looking to replace missing or damaged teeth, then dental implants may be right for you. However, they are not the right option for everyone. To determine the best tooth replacement option for your smile, visit Dental Works on Cornwall .

Our dentists will evaluate your smile and oral health background to help you choose the best tooth replacement solution for your smile. Whether dental implants, dentures, bridges, or crowns are best for you, our knowledgeable restorative dentist is here to help.

Schedule your appointment for a dental implant in Oakville!

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